Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Musings in Tecwrk Land

After I check the queue for the BbL course delivery team when I arrive at 7:30, the next thing I do is scan through my list feeds to see if anything interesting came in I can share with faculty and staff.  I'm a reader. I read everything. If I can't find it, the chances are it is SO technical I don't know correct search terms or it simply isn't to be found.  So I update my brain daily

Do you know how many words have ain in them? crain, drain, lain, tain, fain, rain- many aren't real words but my crazy misfiring brain came up with ALL of them before it sent the correct signals to my fingers for brain.

Onward to today's gem! I love images in teaching and learning. I'm very visual, probably because it's harder for my brain to misfire on an image than on text! LOL  So today when the Chronicle feed's ProfHacker had an article on instructional use of video I was in heaven. It is well written, simple to understand and has direct application to the classroom!  I can see video journals in the online EdPsyc class I'm working on!   This is should be someone you follow!

After a long weekend spent in a camping cabin in Asheville visiting friends and Jubilee! I am ready and raring to go! I'm excited about the courses I'm supporting in development.  I am very proud of Dr. Sherry Bain for her reworking of her course from face to face to totally online.  She is working so hard and learning a lot - as are Donna and I as we assist her. This is one of two Faculty First grant recipients I'm working with. This is awesome - my favorite thing to do - work one to one with faculty to develop and support online learning.

This week we will be launching our newest version of Blackboard Learn. It will exist along side of our current version as we test the locally hosted site.  This of course, is subject to change. Being the lowest of low in course delivery team - I may be wrong. I am a lot as I get up to speed with the differences between a HUGE University and small college world, K-12 and University as well as 5 years away from course management - which can be the same as a century in the pre-digital world. This is only the second time I've worked with a team where I wasn't the boss. I have never worked in one as large as UTK has.  I was very lucky to land here. Good folks, very nice faculty and a chance to continue to learn in my life's work. What more could I ask for? On yeah, a brain that doesn't misfire when it types would be nice! Happy Monday!

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