Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why it's Awesome to be the IT Gal works great for the the other IT.

I LOVED this graphic at first. Of course, I LOVE infographics period.  But I'd make some changes - first of all the Title would change to: "Why it's Awesome to be the IT Gal"!  In my world IT stands not for Information Technology but Instructional Technology.  I (wo)man  the Blackboard help phones and tickets.  I love online courses and and think that with the innovation and creativity faculty are capable of, and bunches of front load time and support - online courses can match or even beat the face to face course.  What Bean Counters in financial  areas may not realize (my assumption based on money issues) is that the development of a stellar courses is extremely time consuming for both the subject matter expert (faculty member) and the staff who support them. They also don't realize  is that not all faculty shine on stage. Some do best in a tutorial support model. Some do best in seminars - small groups with intimate connections and others shine on stage in large groups. I love small group and one to one. Technology can be involved or not. I love working the phones, Skype or Communicator or visiting an office. I like working in a departmental group on a project.  My colleague in Blackboard support loves to be on stage and prefers that most. We both can do both - it's just a matter of comfort and enjoyment of the methods.  Technology mediation doesn't change that!

Where this poster resonates is that I use technical issues as a conduit to the attention of the faculty member. When they have a technical problem related to instruction, I go into overdrive problem solving mode.  I don't just give them the solution they asked for but through probing questions, I find out what instructional need they have and then seek to find a solution.  I also use the opportunity to build trust which will let me help them take instructional risks.  That's how IT (Instructional technologist) and IT (Information Technologist differ. We both are great problem solvers. The instructional folks don't go as deep into the technology side and the information folks don't want to touch the instructional needs.  We work well together as a team in an educational environment.  Add instructional designers, video folks and graphic artists and a faculty member and you have a team who can transform a class.

My title "Why it's Awesome to be the IT Gal works great for the the other IT".

Give us a call on the help desk! 865-974-9900

Infographic: Why it Sucks Being the IT Guy

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