Welcome to Room 511 Greve Hall!
I've started with a new team at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. As of the end of the first week I am jazzed! This is a great bunch of folks. It's a much bigger group than I've ever worked in. The University is large but seems pretty efficient at first glance. The biggest challenge so far has been completing the benefit package! That took forever.
So what have I done this first week other than the benefits? I investigated and compared two plagiarizer prevention application SafeAssign and iThenticate, I've viewed Blackboard tutorials and looked at the ticket system and knowledge base. I've also observed my colleagues present BbC (Collaborate) and wikis in Bb Learn. I've also looked into social aspects of online learning and assessment.
I wanted a cool way to introduce myself to the group. I've decided to use a QR code on my door with a bio landing page. Not!
Possible project - per: Rosie is to catalog the books we each have in our offices.
The book I'm reading is Self, Peer and Group Assessment in E-Learning. (LB1028.2.S38885 2006 ) by Roberts, Tim S.